Brittany Christine Brown 

December 16, 1988 to July 10, 2021

About This Website

One of the things I realized when losing Brittany is I instantly lost memories that we shared. She was always the one that would remember everything (and I mean everything) and I often forget. So, those times where she might have been “Hey David remember when we did XYZ?” and she has to remind me… those memories are likely gone. Since her passing, I have been collecting a number of memories that I will be sharing. Along with other thoughts, tips, and feelings about her and the whole healthcare process. As you can imagine it is a slow process to update the site, since I need to be in the right frame of mind. But hopefully in the end, this will be therapeutic for me, allow others to share in memories and stories that they did not know about Brittany, and keep these memories from ever being lost. You will never be forgotten Brittany!


The main function of this website is to preserve memories and that is done through what I am calling memorycasts. Memories + podcasts = memorycasts. I know the name is lame, but that is what I am going with for now! You can learn more about memorycasts on my post dedicated to them and when ready, you can review all of them posted to date. If you want to be notified when new content is posted, then sign up for the newsletter

About Brittany’s Cancer Battle

On December 13, 2019, Brittany Christine Brown (Rolfe) was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer. Even though it was caught early, it was in a good location, she was young, and at one point we even thought she was cancer free, the battle turned out to be much more than we thought. Even though she fought so, so hard and did everything she could with some of the best doctors on the planet, on December 1, 2020 we were told that her cancer had turned terminal. Even after knowing she was terminal, she wanted to stay positive and not waste the remaining time she might have being angry or negative. After Christmas of 2020, the doctors didn’t think she would have but a few months to live. Hearing that just motivated her to push on and she started to work out slowly and in a few months, she almost seemed like she was back to normal. She wanted to do whatever she could to stay alive and be around the ones that she loved. Then all our medical options dried up and she had to enter hospice.

That did not stop her from trying to find the silver lining in things and at least one positive thing that happened each day. Her positivity, strength and positive attitude impressed so many of the seasoned healthcare providers that we encountered — she was undoubtably someone special. She entered hospice walking around totally on her own, making her own food, and seeming to be ready to go back out in the world. But each week, we saw a noticeable change in her health. She was in hospice for only about six weeks before passing away at 5:50pm on July 10, 2021 surrounded by loved ones. Because of her religion and inner strength, she was not afraid about dying. The two things she feared was leaving everyone behind in pain, and she was afraid of being forgotten. I think most people that knew Brittany can almost laugh thinking that she could ever be forgotten — there is just no way. She was so kind and wonderful and made such a positive impact on so many lives. And although I know that she will never be forgotten, one of the reasons for making this site was to help preserve as many memories as possible.